The total weight of all the food items donated by St. Peter's people to the Christmas Appeal in December for Newcastle East Foodbank.

Precept, the brand communcations agency on St. Peter's Wharf, who voluntarily organised the collection over two days before Christmas, recently received a letter of thanks from the Foodbank. The letter thanked everyone who lives and works in St. Peter's for their kind donations.

The letter also confirmed the total donation weight was an enormous 367.9kg. That's nearly 58 stones in old-money. The Foodbank letter also let us know that this total weight was the equivalent of 448 meals.

St. Peter's Neighourhood Association and Precept are now looking forward to running another collection for Newcastle East Foodbank in 2018. It is hoped that a similar - if not more - total can be achieved.  Thank you so much everyone whose support made the first collection so successfully memorable, and for helping in making a difference to other Newcastle families and people.