With St. Peter's 2017 Fete less than two weeks away, preparations are now in full swing to produce a memorable St. Peter's neighbourhood afternoon.

This year's Fete will see:

  • 20+ stallholders including cupcakes, toys and games, jewellery, vintage and collectibles, plants, sweets, pet coats and accessories, ice cream, and arts and crafts;
  • High quality street-food vendors from across the North East;
  • Children's entertainment and fun-rides;
  • Tyne Boat Trips from St. Peter's Marina;
  • Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue, Fifth Fusiliers and Northumbria Police;
  • Live music sets and barbecue at Merchants' Tavern throughout the afternoon;
  • Raffle, tombola and name the cuddly toy to raise funds for the volunteer St. Peter's Neighbourhood Association and future voluntary St. Peter's neighbourhood projects. 

The Fete runs from 11am - 5pm on Saturday 1 July, and will be happening along St. Peter's Wharf past The Moorings car park gates and onto St Peter's Quayside down to St. Peter's Marina.

Work on the day starts when the attractions and stall-holders start arriving from 9.30am.

Vehicular access is required to St. Peter's Wharf from Bottlehouse Street/Dobson Crescent and St. Peter's Quayside from St. Lawrence Road/Trinity Courtyard.  All the parking bays on St. Peter's Wharf next to Merchants' Tavern will be used by Fete stallholders.

If last year's Fete is anything to go by, we are not just expecting many stallholders and attractions, but many people around St. Peter's Marina on the day. The brilliant support of residents and businesses there at the heart of our neighbourhood all make the Fete possible. Each and every one of them at St. Peter's Marina, Chandlers' Quay, St. Peter's Wharf, The Moorings, Trinity Courtyard and Merchants' Wharf is thanked by the volunteer team ahead of the Fete, for considering their own parking and access arrangements both the night before (Friday 30 June) and during Fete Day.

It's still not too late to voluteer to help the other volunteers in the St. Peter's 2017 Fete team, or to donate prizes, or even to book a stall pitch. To do so please drop a line to hello@stpetersnewcastle.co.uk and one of the St. Peter's volunteers will be in touch.