Liaising with St. Peter's Neighbourhood Association the Council's horticultural team has identified two areas within the neighbourhood where this Autumn some tree surgery work will be taking place. The maintenance of St. Peter's maturing trees in the public domain is the sole reponsibility of the Council's horticultural team, and they can be contacted directly in the following scenarios. 



In the case of dangerous trees, reports will be responded to within 3 hours to make the site safe. Please note any reports of dangerous trees must be phoned through to 0191 278 7878 and ask for "Envirocall." The online form below can also be used to report dangerous trees.


Requests for the tree maintenance service will be inspected within 28 days. The team can only inspect trees that are dead, damaged, diseased or causing a physical obstruction.


Please note in some cases prior to inspections being carried out the service will need to see any reports from insurance companies regarding certain types of damage.


The Council team aim to carry out an inspection only within 28 days. They are not able to give specific dates of any work ordered as a result. Some work can only be done in the winter months outside the growing season. This will also be planned by area and by level of need.


1. Cases where the Council will look at trees

Trees affecting public access, highway safety and visibility

Reported tree damage to buildings

Overhanging tree branches when a physical obstruction is caused such as preventing access

Trees hit by vehicles

Trees physically touching properties

Trees touching street lights 

2. Cases where the Council will not look at trees

Loss of light to property or garden

Solar panels

Tree debris

Bird nesting or fouling

TV, phone or satellite reception

Pollens and allergies

Blocked drains and gutters

Height or size of the tree


If the tree issue fits the cases the Council will attend, it can be reported via this form. Make sure you give as much information as possible. You can even add a photo. It is helpful if you can advise of the following:

  • tree type

  • tree location - For example is it on a grass verge, at the back or the front, open space, highway?

  • nature of the problem

Please note that incorrect use of the reporting system can result in delays. You cannot use this form to report dangerous trees.

Here are some examples of work requests that are not justified:

  • tree is shading my garden/conservatory/gazebo

  • leaves from a tree are blowing into my garden/yard/drive

  • tree is taller than my house

  • birds live in the tree and make noise/mess

  • children play around the tree