An application to build a 140-metre observation wheel and visitor attraction on land at Spillers Quay in Newcastle has been granted planning permission.
The World Wheel Company had submitted their application for the wheel, a large LED screen, a three-storey family entertainment centre and three two-storey units containing food and drink outlets.Newcastle City Council’s planning committee (26.07.2019) granted planning permission ignoring the objections of over 120 local people and local businesses. The approval is subject to conditions being met, for the wheel and the associated buildings.
A decision on the screen, which is planned to show advertisements and public information, and Planning-Officer advised to refuse, has been deferred to a future planning meeting.
Local people were represented at the meeting by various speakers. Local Byker Ward Councillors Veronica Dunn and Nick Kemp, St. Peter's Neighbourhood Association Chair Jon Bryan, Ouseburn Trust's Dale Bollard and Dr. Edward Wainwright of Newcastle University's School of Architecture were all highly critical of the application and spoke against it being approved.