
The National Lottery has awarded St. Peter’s Neighbourhood Association £1500 to support volunteer gardening across St. Peter's.


The goals for the award are to help:

  • Build an even better community in St. Peter’s by bringing people together.
  • Volunteers to make a difference to the places where they live.
  • Projects happen where people want them to happen.
  • Volunteers to plan, discuss and work together in delivering individual projects.
  • Change, and progress towards change that all can notice and enjoy.
  • Involve as many people as wish.

The Opportunity

The £1500 is to be divided between:

  • £300 for a main project to be decided upon by the members of the St. Peter’s Volunteer Gardeners Group and Association Committee.
  • £1100 to be distributed as shown below.
  • £50 for supplementary planting at The Fish with Two Heads.
  • £50 for Volunteer Group costs over the year.

Your courtyard/apartment/building opportunity

Last year the Greggs Grant allowed the Association to give £50 to volunteers in each of St. Peter’s courtyards and apartments to help “planting”.

This “planting” expenditure then included bedding plants, compost, salad crops, fruit trees, containers, flowering trees, weedkiller, and shrubs.

The National Lottery Grant this year gives each area below £100.  This can be spent as residents wish after they have discussed and agreed what they wish to do.  The areas are:

  • Marina Building
  • Churchill Mews
  • Rowes Mews
  • Merchants Wharf
  • Dobson Crescent
  • Chandlers Quay
  • St Peter’s Wharf
  • The Moorings
  • Foundry Court
  • Trinity Courtyard
  • The Ropery


The project will run from now until mid-November.

This will help you and your neighbours with work that will bring results for you all, including:

  • Summer 2020
  • Autumn 2020
  • Spring 2021 onwards

Your project team can spread the £100 over the six months or go for one season of work.

It is very much what you all agree together to do.


By 12 June 2020 please confirm your uptake and let the Association’s Secretary know the name of each area’s Project Leader. 

This person, and each group member, agrees to try to underpin the Project Delivery with the overriding Goals shown above.

Each Project Leader will be the only agreed person who can claim back expenditure.  S/he agrees not to submit expenditure claims exceeding £100.

By 12 November 2020, the Project Leader will have submitted to the Association’s Treasurer all receipts for expenditure up to £100.  After this date, the Committee will decide on late payment approvals. 

On submission of receipts to the Treasurer, can the Project Leader please advise preference and details for BACS payment or cheque.

Please also supply photographs of works, team members and anecdotal statements.  These will help the Association’s feedback report to the National Lottery.

Should any of the areas not take up their £100, then its use will be decided upon by the Committee.


Should you and your group have any queries, or request help in getting started then please let the Secretary know and help will be arranged.