St. Peter's volunteer Environment and Wellbeing teams over the past twelve months have made great in-roads in turning around St. Peter's green environment.  Trees and shrubs have been cut back, benches and heritage bins restored, grass cut and turf laid, perrenial plants and bulbs planted, and of course the restoration of St. Peter's landmark sculpture Fish with Two Heads completed.

April 1 - and it was not an April's Fool Day Joke - saw 27 volunteer neighbours gather on St. Peter's Wharf at 10am before setting off in teams for two hours of litter picking.  32 large sacks of litter and a kitchen sink were collected and transported to our friendly local tip. All the volunteers enjoyed themselves working with their neighbours, chatting and starting new friendships, and enhancing the St. Peter's neighbourhood even further.  Newcastle City Council loaned litter pickers, high-vis vests, sacks and gloves which made the event possible.