Throughout St. Peter's Fete Day there will be many stallholders, street food vendors and as equally as many attractions.  Here are the times for the Fete's attractions:

11.00 - 17.00:  Tyne Boat Trips

11.00 - 12.00:  Fire Engine

11.00 - 15.00:  Trigger Trains & Balloons

11.00 - 17.00:  Children's Funfair Ride & Hook a Duck

11.00 - 17.00:  Children's Face Painter

11.00 - 17.00:  Children's Nail Artiste

11.00 - 17.00:  Maritime Volunteer Service - Northumbria

12.00 onwards: Fifth Fusiliers' Virtual Reality

12.00 onwards: Magician

13.00 - 13.45:  Live Music Kieran Taylor

14.00 - 15.00:  Fire Engine

14.00 - 14.45:  Live Music Connor Thomas

15.00 - 15.45:  Live Music Dave Red

15.50 - 16.20:  Universal Martial Arts fundraising display

16.30 - 17.00:  Name St. Peter's Unicorn winner & Fete Raffle Draw