The New Year has started well for St. Peter's volunteer gardeners, with work already started on this year's neighbourhood work. 

Having last year had their collective attention drawn to the Village Green by residents in Dobson Crescent, the gardeners have this month made in-roads on the clearance work to improve the overall appearance of this open space.  Already perimeter seating stones have been uncovered, and plans are in hand for further cutting back and then later in Spring some new planting. This planned activity will coincide with further planting around the volunteer-restored public art The Fish with Two Heads.

This new Village Green work complements the tidy up of the boundary by volunteers in the autumn, as well as the substantial donation and planting of bulbs in the boundary by a Dobson Crescent resident.

Assisting the group, Newcastle City Council are helping with the removal of litter, cuttings and other debris.

The volunteers work across St. Peter's neighbourhood focussing on open space communal areas.  Their activity is supplementary to the work of other individual award-winning, courtyard and apartment groups who in turn are well-known for voluntarily maintaining their own home-patch areas. 

The neighbourhood group usually works together each Friday from 9am - 12 noon.  If you would like to join them or make a donation to help their work,  then please let them know with a message via  And if you see them out working, why not pop out and say "Hello", and perhaps make them a cup of tea or coffee.  A cuppa is always very much appreciated.