St. Peter's neighbourhood residents, businesses and people who work there are justifiably proud of the neighbourhood's appearance.

Most people take care of their own litter, and on occasion can be seen bending down and picking up other people's.

But every now and then a collective, volunteer and neighbourly push is necessary to stay on top of litter. 

Following last year's very successful and equally popular neighbourhood litter picks, this Spring's litter pick is being arranged.

Please save the date, and come along on

SATURDAY 10 MARCH, 10am - 12noon, starting at Merchants' Tavern.

Each of last year's litter picks saw over 20 volunteers taking to the four corners of St. Peter's neighbourhood to take on litter, as well as to catch up with friends and neighbours, and to meet new ones too.

Equipment and high vis-vests are being borrowed from Newcastle City Council.  Tea, coffee and biscuits will also be provided. To help the volunteer organisers of this event, an idea of numbers would be appreciated, so please pre-register your intention to come along with an email to