This Licensing Consultation is now open and the Council needs your views on proposals to extend the areas of licensing in Newcastle.

The Council has investigated nearly 12,000 complaints about noisy neighbours in just five years. Licensing private rented housing could help get this under control.  Have your say at

A Safe and Secure Private Rented Sector                                                 

Have your say on proposed changes to    Licensing Private Rented Homes in Newcastle

Consultation runs from 5 November 2018 to 27 January 2019

Whether you’re a tenant, landlord, managing agent, resident or business in Newcastle the Council wants to hear your views on proposed changes to licensing houses in the private rented sector. 

Online: Find out more about the proposals at

The survey can be completed at

Information events: You can find out more during a 15 minute presentation at the start of each session or drop in anytime to ask questions and complete the survey.

Monday 14 January: 5pm to 7pm, Bewick Room 1, Level 2, City Library

If you can’t access the information online email to request a hard copy.