Sounding like a line from a sketch from Yes Minister, Newcastle City Council and the Association have been reviewing and discussing the provision and servicing of litter bins within the St. Peter's neighbourhood.

It is seen that the continuing presence of the heritage-style litter bins is no longer feasible, for reasons including:

  • Lack of team resource and time to empty so many small bins on the required and regular basis.
  • The safety and wellbeing of the operatives pulling out sacks of litter to empty the bins.
  • Problems caused by a few neighbourhood people fly-tipping their domestic and business waste in the bins.
  • The ease of access for vermin and birds to and from the open-topped bins.

It is proposed to discontinue the small bins and install large capacity bins with tops. There have been a few of these in the neighbourhood now for over a year, and the number will be supplemented further.

Many of the exisiting and restored heritage bins are earmarked to become planters. It has also been agreed that St. Peter's people can request a small bin or more to be located within their own courtyards, apartment and business areas, and use these as planters.

The scheme of change is shown on the Council's plan below, please click on this and see for yourself the changes.

Litter bin provision proposal - August 2018

If you have any comments regarding the planned changes, or would like to "order" some heritage litter bins for your area to upcycle and maintain as neighbourhood planters, please drop a line before Monday 3 September to