2018/1639/01/DET. Erection of a 140m high (112m diameter) steel framed observation wheel with 60 cabins, a five storey visitor centre/wheel terminus comprising food, beverage and merchandising outlets (Class A1 and A3 to A5), 3 x two storey buildings comprising food and beverage units (Class A3 to A5) and a three storey family entertainment centre (Class D2) with associated parking (171 spaces), cycle parking, servicing, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works. Site of the former Spiller's Mill, Spiller's Quay, Newcastle Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1BU.

Click below to see the applicant's Design and Access Statement, and the proposed Site Plan:
You can view and comment on the whole application online at www.newcastle.gov.uk/viewapplications.  Select "Search by reference number" and type in ref no. 2018/1639/01/DET and the application summary will appear. To view the application in more detail, click the tabs above the application summary.
St. Peter's Neighbourhood Association has arranged an Open Committee Meeting to discuss and share views on the application.  The meeting is open to all people who live and work in St. Peter's. The meeting date is Tuesday 8 January 2019, 7pm prompt start, Anzio House, St. Peter's.  To register attendance please drop a line to secretary@stpetersnewcastle.co.uk before then.