Reminder statement from Newcastle City Council

- North of Tyne Devolution Consultation: Have Your Say

On 24 November 2017, the three North of Tyne Authorities of Newcastle City Council, North Tyneside Council and Northumberland County Council agreed a ‘minded-to’ devolution deal with Government for a significant shift of powers, funding and responsibility.

The deal provides the opportunity for the area to begin to take control of decisions that previously have been made in Westminster and provides access to a long-term investment fund of £600m. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to help to grow the economy, retain the region’s talent and support residents to access new and better jobs. We want to deliver good-quality work underpinned by a society that is strong and has confidence in the future. 

The first step to implement our proposals is to seek your views on them through a public consultation which runs until Monday 5 February 2018. It’s really important that you have your say – no matter where you live, your opinions matter.

You can take part in the consultation online, by completing a paper form or by attending one of our consultation events. More details about the deal, the consultation and how to take part can be found on the North of Tyne Devolution website.

Take part: