Residents and other interested parties can now look at detailed plans for the Northumberland Line – which will connect Ashington to central Newcastle with a number of stops in between.  

The consultation, run by Northumberland County Council, is available by going to and will close on Monday December 14th.  

With a proposed opening date for passenger services in winter 2023, thousands of residents a day could travel by train between Ashington and Newcastle in just over half an hour, while the scheme could boost the local economy by up to £470m.  

The ambitious scheme includes new stations at Ashington, Bedlington, Blyth Bebside, Newsham, Seaton Delaval and Northumberland Park on North Tyneside, as well as upgrades to the track and changes to level crossings where bridges or underpasses may need to be built.  

While the consultation was originally planned to include drop-in events and roadshows along the route, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic means the consultation will have to be hosted online, although hard copies of the consultation information will be available on request.  

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