The past year saw much progress and success in many aspects of St. Peter's Neighbourhood Association's work. 

The new year is already looking like an equally as progressive and eventful one too.  The Association has already agreed to support various volunteer neighbourhood initiatives for the first six months of 2018, including:

  • Heritage litter bin and street signage restoration project.
  • Maintaining the progress made over the past two years in the communal garden areas. This will involve gardening work across St. Peter's including the landmark sculpture The Fish with Two Heads planting, as well as embarking anew on improving the Village Green area between Dobson Crescent and Rowes Mews.
  • Organising a Guest Speaker Evening Event for late Spring.
  • Having the first St. Peter's Neighbour Day in June.  This is likely to focus on some communal work in the morning, followed by a neighbourhood social event in the afternoon at St. Peter's Marina.
  • A Spring Saturday morning Litter Pick and Tidy Up.
  • A second Newcastle East Food Bank Collection over two days allowing St. Peter's people to donate food items.

There will be regular project updates on this website, within our regular newsletters, and of course postings on our new St. Peter's neighbourhood notice board.

If you wish to join and help any of the volunteer activities listed, or suggest some others, then please get in touch by letting us know via 

Similarly, please also get in touch if you find you are time-poor, but would like to help with a financial donation.

Whether your giving is time, work, support or financial - all types from across the neighbourhood will be very welcome over the next twelve months. Happy New Year.