BEL VAlves are asking people who live and work in the St. Peter’s neighbourhood to help raise money to purchase a new heart defibrillator for the charity NORTH EAST HEARTS WITH GOALS.

Next week, the St. Peter's engineering company will be collecting GOOD QUALITY and RESELLABLE adult and children’s clothes, shoes, accessories and soft toys to sell on and raise money for the charity.

The NORTH EAST HEARTS WITH GOALS charity works to place heart defibrillators in public places. Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the UK causes 100,000 deaths a year including 15 young people’s a week.

Over the past four years NORTH EAST HEARTS WITH GOALS has placed 300 defibrillators in public places and arranged training to use them.

BEL Valves will be collecting neighbourhood donations of GOOD QUALITY and RESELLABLE clothes, shoes, accessories and soft toys on Monday 18, Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20th June and you can help and donate by:

  1. Dropping off your donations at the BEL Valves’ office reception on Glasshouse Street between 10am – 4pm, each day.
  2. Leaving a bag of donations for collection on your home or office doorstep before 11am, each day.

On Thursday 21st June, BEL Valves are hosting their Environment Day at the Glasshouse Street, St Peter’s site.  St. Peter's people are very welcome to call in and visit the stands. The company does, however, need you to pre-register your visit and you can do this by emailing with your name and address, and those of the other people who might be coming with you.