From Wednesday 2 December Newcastle and its six neighbouring local authority areas will be subject to the 'very high' set of local restrictions. 

This will apply across Newcastle, Northumberland, Sunderland, Gateshead, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and County Durham, and will come into effect from 00:01 on Wednesday, bringing the four-week national lockdown to an end. 

'Very high' restrictions mean residents must not mix indoors with those outside their household or support bubble; outdoor gatherings must be limited to six people with social distancing in place; and hospitality premises must remain closed except for takeaway and delivery services. 

Other measures in place include: 

  • Accommodation such as hotels, B&Bs, campsites, and guest houses must close. There are several exemptions, such as for those who use these venues as their main residence, and those requiring the venues where it is reasonably necessary for work or education and training. 
  • Indoor entertainment and tourist venues must close. 
  • leisure and sports facilities may continue to stay open, but group exercise classes (including fitness and dance) should not go ahead. Saunas and steam rooms should close 
  • No public attendance at spectator sport or indoor performances and large business events should not be taking place. Elite sport events may continue to take place without spectators 
  • Large outdoor events (performances and shows) should not take place, with the exception of drive-in events 
  • Places of worship remain open, but you must not attend with or socialise with  anyone outside of your household or support bubble while you are there, unless a legal exemption applies 
  • Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on the number of attendees – 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions are not allowed, 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies, 15 people can attend linked commemorative events 
  • Organised outdoor sport, and physical activity and exercise classes can continue, however higher-risk contact activity should not take place 
  • Organised indoor sport, physical activity and exercise classes cannot take place indoors. There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s 
  • You can continue to travel to venues or amenities which are open, but should aim to reduce the number of journeys you make where possible 
  • Avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through other areas as part of a longer journey 

Visit the government website to view the full set of restrictions, exemptions and latest guidance. 


Christmas guidance 

The Government, along the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, have announced a relaxing of the Covid-19 restrictions over the festive period to allow families to form 'Christmas bubbles'. 

The temporary changes will apply 23-27 December, allowing support bubbles comprising people from a maximum of three different households. 

This relaxation of the rules will allow residents to meet with loved ones and celebrate Christmas with their families, although there are a number of conditions that must be observed. 

People can only be part of one Christmas bubble, and cannot move from one bubble to another. You can only meet those in your Christmas bubble in a private home, garden, place of worship or public outdoor space, however you cannot socialise indoors with anyone outside your support bubble. 

To facilitate Christmas bubbles, people will be permitted to travel between places with different restrictions under the three-tier system. 

While this measure will temporarily allow people to see more people than under the tier restrictions, people must still take precautions at all times to minimise the risk of spreading Covid-19.  

For more details and further guidance, click here.