Together with Gateshead and North Tyneside councils, Newcastle is seeking people’s views on the final plans before they are submitted to government.

The proposals take into account public feedback from the initial consultation earlier this year, as well as updated predictions on pollution levels.

Plans include a city centre Clean Air Zone, affecting non-compliant buses, coaches, taxis, HGVs and vans, as well as some traffic restrictions on the Tyne Bridge and Central Motorway. At this stage there are no plans to charge private cars.

Plans include proposals for supporting those affected by charging and investment to improve public transport, walking and cycling routes.

The consultation is open to all residents, businesses, workers, students and commuters from across the region.

Read more about the proposals and take part in the consultation at

You can fill in the questionnaire online or, if you are responding on behalf of a group or organisation, you can also email your comments to

You can have your say until midday on Monday 25 November 2019.