2017/2018 Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 2 October, 7pm prompt start

Anzio House

 The agenda items for the Annual General Meeting  are:

  1. Chair’s Report
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Election of Committee

Any resident or person who works in St. Peter’s wishing to stand for election to the Executive posts (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary) should write to secretary@petersnewcastle.co.uk before Thursday 20 September stating post, a short outline of post-appropriate experience, and be seconded by another in writing.

If you wish to be elected as a Committee Member, then self-nominate yourself in writing before Tuesday 2 October to secretary@petersnewcastle.co.uk.

If you wish to attend the Annual General Meeting, and guarantee access, then please pre-register your attendance by contacting secretary@stpetersnewcastle.co.uk

2017/18 AGM Neighbourhood Noticeboard Poster

Autumn 2018 Newsletter